Episode 22 – The One With 2 Movies and a TV Show
It’s nearly time for the holidays, so what better way to spend it then listening to 3 guys talk about creature features! Just say “Alexa/Hey Google. play the latest episode of Kaiju Curry House on Spreaker” and away you go! Or just go about your normal way.
In this episode “The One With 2 Movies and a TV Show” we return to a popular format where each host talks about some kaiju media, the highs lows and if it’s worth your time. Usually this is 3 movies, but I’ve been wanting to talk about an episode of a TV show I saw ages ago, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. If you don’t want the surprise spoiled stop reading, if you’re like a curious cat or plain hate surprises then read on…
So today’s episode has us covering Krampus, Reign of Fire and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Great variety and hopefully something to appeal to all.
If nothing else is also on top form if I do say so myself and what have kaij-you been up to have a few recommendations if you’re looking for something to binge over the festive period.
Hope you enjoy and Happy Holidays one and all!
Further info
As you (may or may not) know we have created this podcast not only because it’s fun for us to talk kaiju, but also because we want to engage with like minded people. So don’t be shy and feel free to get in touch!
If you’re just discovering us, Kaiju Curry House is a new podcast series under the Heroes Podcast Network umbrella.
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Where to get more
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Kaiju Curry House Podcast Credits
A Heroes Podcast Network Production
Hosts: Paul Williams | Joe McIntee | Alex James
Executive Producer: Derreck Mayer
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kaiju-curry-house/id1459048709
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5UvHH6EmPAskdSReJrL1aC
Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/3468342
Podcast Addict: http://podplayer.net/?podId=2460868
Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Iv2x4bjhcjonyxmurgea2qm5iky
RSS Feed: http://heroespodcasts.com/feed/podcast/kaiju-curry-house
Social Media: @UKKaiju | @HeroesPodcasts